Friday, October 8, 2010

Education Quote Analysis

Quote: Education should have two objects: first, to give definite knowledge, reading and writing, language and mathematics, and so on; secondly to create those mental habits which will enable people to acquire knowledge and form sound judgments for themselves.
-Bertrand Russell

What it could be: Education should have two things: first to show knowledge in reading and writing, language and mathematics, and so on; second, to create mental habits to think and learn the material and gain more knowledge and to be able to assess the situations or circumstances.

What it is: I think that education is definitely about creating or making mental habits to think and learn the material because it definitely helps you gain knowledge and understand more materials instead of being lazy and not paying attention to the materials. To show your knowledge in all of those categories is also important so that teachers can understand where you are and teach you the things you need to learn. Then you are able to assess situations and circumstances and gain knowledge by thinking in depth about what it really means.